Corporations can promote hygiene through community development This article was published in with the title

“Hygiene is two thirds of health” is a long-standing proverb that resonates with the world today. Looking back at our lives before the COVID-19 pandemic, we can understand why our way of living helped the virus spread and proliferate. 

How could the simple act of washing one’s hands with soap and wearing masks suddenly be essential now, even though we knew to do so since we were kids? This shows that we were so accustomed to our own behaviors that we were not heedful enough of a clean and healthy lifestyle. 

In the 1970s the government initiated a program called PHBS or Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (Clean and Healthy Lifestyle). Ever since, doctors and health workers have constantly reminded the public about the healthy living. Children began learning about these habits, including bathing, brushing their teeth twice a day and keeping their nails clean, in preschool.

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